FSSAI Mandatory Audit For FBOs On 25th of September, FSSAI Notified Food Business Operators of the mandatory third party audit requirement through an email. The following are the FAQs related to the same. Q1. What is third party mandatory audit? A. As per the notification issued by FSSAI in 2019, an...
Lab Grown Meat (A.K.A. Cultured Meat) A Primer on Lab-Grown Meat. The global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050 according to the UNDES report from 2021. To meet the needs of this expanding population, livestock production must increase to 455 million tons for consumption, which rep...
R.I.P. – Marketeer The Marketeer KoB is done and dusted. Are you aware that the ‘Marketeer / Marketer ’ kind of business is no longer available in the licensing provisions of FSSAI? Here is some information regarding it. FSSAI disabled the ‘Marketer’ Kind of Business from Sep 2021 onwards. The ‘Mark...
Acidity Regulator And It’s Application In The Food Industry In the food processing industry (or even when preparing food at home) acids are added to food to accomplish a number of tasks. Termed Acidity Regulators, food acids perform dual functions where they act as preservatives (antimicrobial) and ...
Food Grade Utensils The metals which make the best fit for cooking utensils. It is important to eat healthy and nutritious foods, but how and what utensils/containers you process your meals in is equally important. Choosing the right utensils and processing food for a precise time is crucial for cre...